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Провідний дистрибутив Linux для ПК

Приємна на вигляд, якісна операційна система для ПК, створена на базі новітніх технологій з відкритим початковим кодом. Перевірена, потужна і зручна в користуванні.

Why Fedora Workstation?

  • Reliable

    Each version is updated for approximately 13 months, and upgrades between versions are quick and easy.

  • Free & private

    With Fedora, your desktop is your own. It's free, there are no ads, and your data belongs to you.

  • Beautiful

    Workstation is carefully curated to deliver a high-quality experience. The desktop is clean and uncluttered.

  • Trusted

    Developed in partnership with upstream projects. Rigorously tested. Backed by Red Hat.

  • Провідні технології

    Built on the latest technologies and enhancements that open source has to offer.

  • Makes the most of your device

    Fedora works with hardware vendors to make excellent hardware support across a range of devices.

Features for everyone

Fantastic apps

Fedora offers a fantastic collection of apps which cater to every need. Easily install the very best desktop apps with the click of a button from Fedora's repositories, Flathub or anywhere else.

Система, що розмовляє зрозумілою мовою

Завдяки спільноті перекладачів зі всього світу Fedora Workstation перекладено багатьма мовами.

Turn the lights down low

Flip a switch to turn on dark mode and give your eyes a break. Or use night light to reduce screen glare and help with sleep.

Зручна робота з обліковими записами онлайн-сервісів

Optionally, bring your online calendar, contacts and data to the desktop with online accounts.

Helpful out of the box

Fedora Workstation includes a great set of utilities, like Clocks, Weather and Maps.

Great for developers

Віртуалізація без зайвих зусиль

Boxes takes the guesswork out of using virtual machines. Just select the OS you want to install, and the app will do the rest.

Productivity-boosting desktop features

Use performance mode to boost hardware speed when you need it. Turn off notifications with Do Not Disturb. Press the Super key and just type to search for what you need.

Containers ready to go

До ваших послуг — новітній контейнерний інструментарій з екосистеми Red Hat і реєстр контейнерів компанії. І не треба нічого налаштовувати.

All the packages developers need

All the packages, tools and runtimes you might need, up to date and ready for use with just a single command.

Get started developing with Fedora Workstation

Built by you

Fedora Workstation is the result of work done across the Fedora Project, and everyone is welcome to participate. To learn how decisions are made about Workstation, see the Fedora Workstation Working Group pages.

Спробуйте самі.
